Hydrotherapy treatment, also known as water treatment, offers a multitude of benefits to improve, restore, and maintain overall well-being. Today, numerous scientists and physiotherapists are advocating for the use of hydrotherapy in various ways. With advancements in technology, researchers have discovered new methods to modernize and enhance traditional hydrotherapy treatment. Hydrotherapy has shown great promise in enhancing balance, coordination, agility, and strength, making it beneficial for NDIS participants. This article provides an explanation of hydrotherapy's advantages, its meaning, and how individuals can access it under NDIS.
What is Hydrotherapy?
Hydrotherapy is a therapeutic treatment that involves exercising in water. It is typically conducted by an exercise physiologist or a professional physiotherapist in a shallow pool of warm or cold water. The exercises focus on balancing and moving the upper limbs, lower limbs, and trunk to achieve therapeutic benefits. The increasing popularity of hydrotherapy can be attributed to its holistic advantages.
If you are an eligible NDIS participant and cannot afford hydrotherapy sessions, you can seek NDIS support. Hydrotherapy treatment falls under the Capacity Building Support categories of Improved Daily Living or Improved Health and Wellbeing. Trained Allied Health professionals provide hydrotherapy under NDIS. It can be accessed to help with conditions such as neurological conditions, musculoskeletal disorders, chronic pain, and mobility limitations. By incorporating hydrotherapy into these specific support areas, the NDIS aims to assist individuals in accessing this therapeutic approach to enhance their overall well-being, functional abilities, and achieve their personal goals.
Benefits of Hydrotherapy Treatment
Hydrotherapy provides numerous benefits to individuals with disabilities, regardless of their gender, age, or fitness level. Some of these benefits include:
1. Improvement of Muscle Strength and Flexibility: Hydrotherapy takes place in water to provide a supportive environment for muscle tissues to expand. This allows for more efficient stretching with less pain compared to traditional exercise rooms, resulting in improved muscle strength and overall fitness levels.
2. Pain Management: Hydrotherapy can help manage various skeletomuscular pain impacts by reducing joint impact through water buoyancy. The warm water also promotes relaxation, facilitating core exercises that may be challenging on land. NDIS plan management can help determine if hydrotherapy treatment is accessible within your current NDIS plan.
3. Promotion of Circulation in the Body: The hydrostatic pressure exerted by water promotes better circulation, facilitating the supply of oxygen and vital nutrients to muscles throughout the body. This aids in recovery and reduces swelling.
4. Safe Exercise after Injury or Trauma: Hydrotherapy provides a safe environment for individuals recovering from life-altering injuries or trauma. It helps maintain fitness and build strength, especially when the affected area cannot bear weight or move.
5. Improvement of Overall Fitness and Mental Health: In addition to enhancing mobility and strength, hydrotherapy treatment provides an opportunity for individuals to have fun, improve overall fitness, and promote mental well-being.
Funding and Coverage under NDIS
To access hydrotherapy treatment under NDIS, you must have an NDIS plan, and your NDIS plan management team will assess your needs. The funding process includes the following stages:
1. Assessment: A healthcare professional evaluates your functional impact of disability, goals, and suitability for hydrotherapy as a treatment option.
2. Planning: After a successful assessment, you and your team develop a personalized NDIS plan outlining the supports and services required, which may include hydrotherapy.
3. Funding Allocation: Based on your NDIS plan, you receive funding for therapy support, such as hydrotherapy sessions. The number of sessions provided per week, month, or year depends on your needs and goals.
4. Implementation of Hydrotherapy Provider: As an eligible NDIS participant, you are able to select your own hydrotherapy provider.
5. Documentation and Reporting: The service provider documents your progress and outcomes achieved through hydrotherapy sessions. This documentation helps assess the effectiveness of the treatment and plan for future decisions.
NDIS Categories for Accessing Hydrotherapy Treatment
Once funded, NDIS participants can access hydrotherapy treatments under the following categories:
1. Improved Daily Living: This category includes support and services to assist participants with daily activities. Hydrotherapy can be considered a therapeutic intervention to improve mobility and overall well-being.
2. Improved Health and Well-being: Hydrotherapy aims to enhance physical and mental health, making it suitable for addressing various physical and mental health issues, such as neurological conditions, musculoskeletal disorders, and mobility limitations.
Hydrotherapy is a versatile treatment that has proven to benefit many individuals. Its advantages range from improved mental health, stress management, and enhanced mobility to overall functional improvement. Under NDIS, hydrotherapy is subject to individual assessment, planning, and the specific goals and needs outlined in participants' NDIS plans.
Femur Connect does offer Hydrotherapy to eligible participants, please feel free to contact us for further information